Monday, June 14, 2010

Bassist Michael Anthony by Garrett

Michael Anthony was an american born average boy who simply had a
profound interest in music. As a teenager, he was involved in sports as well
as other extra curricular activities but in his spare time he began to pick
up guitar and then switched to bass because of the popularity of guitar.
After graduating from Arcadia High School, he focused his life to his
passion for music and began to play in bands that he either helped found or
that needed a bassist. After a few minorly successful groups, Anthony was
picked up to join the famous rock group known as Van Halen. This group
became a huge success because of its unique sound and creativity, both of
which Anthony contributed to enormously. Over time, the band diminished from
its exorbitant success, this led to Anthony along with Sammy Sagar, Chad
Smith, and Joe Satriani to form a modern reunion of rock legends in a band
known as Chickenfoot. This combination of legends has led to some major
successes even though the band has only been in existence for a short period
of time.

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